Saturday, September 29, 2012

Morning Revelation

She raises her head from the cloudlike comfort of her pillow. One foot and then the other feel the fibers of the cool carpet beneath them. Shuffling in a daze of awakening slumber she moves from room to room. The light pierces the darkness as she slides the door open and steps outside. Crisp and cool in the morning air she senses everything around her. Birds sing their joyful tune while motors rumble preparing for the day's beginning. In the distance a crow lets out its morning wail. Tall evergreens stand still, calm, and dark not yet touched by the sun's rays. The pale blue sky gives way for the rising of the sun. Breathe deeply in, exhale and feel peace. A moment of clarity is upon her.

Peaceful Warrior

Adventurous Perception

My mind is wandering and imagining things of a colorful nature and a mysterious disposition. Moonlight pours in through the cracks in the blinds... I wander out in my mind's eye. Carried along the wind and through the rustling leaves. Soaring above the mountains, rivers, and trees. Higher and higher until I reach the stars...How wonderful an adventure I've been on so far. Beyond the furthest star seen from Earth, I travel endlessly through places that time never touches. Vast and black and glittered with light... This is where I think I'll go tonight.